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Naturally when you have a failure in the air suspension system. But, without a doubt, Faskit is a preventive kit that will give you security in your travels. Do not wait for failures to appears and save yourself future inconveniences.

Faskit is designed specially for the Range Rover P38 and the Range Rover Classic but can be installed in any vehicle that has pneumatic suspension. Consult us: info@partsrover.com

In this case it is only necessary to find the ideal location for Faskit and verify that the air lines are made of plastic. If this were not the case, does not hesitate in consulting us and we will advise you on the ideal installation for your vehicle model.

In the case of the Range Rover Classic the valve unit is located outside under the passenger seat. Therefore, do not forget to indicate your model of Range Rover in your order so that we can suitably provide for your Classic.

The installation of Faskit uses quick adjust connectors which form a tight seal around the diameter of the air tubes.

The connectors that we provide with Faskit are designed so that no tool is required for its installation. The connections are made by pushing the air lines into the quick adjust connectors until the air line is joined automatically.

Absolutely not. By closing the 4 keys of the Faskit we freed up the pneumatic springs from the original electronic system.

Naturally, at that point we will not have the levelling system depending on certain parameters such as speed, load, etc.

Faskit is designed so that it constitutes a permanent installation of your vehicle and so that in case of failure of the air suspension you only need to close some keys, inflate and continue on your way. Afterwards, you will be able to decide if you want to repair the failure , but in principle there is no problem with continuing with the Faskit operative.

If there is a failure in the system, Faskit helos you to identify where that failure is. Normally failures that take place are leaks of air in piping, air springs, compressor or electronic system.

If you close the four keys corresponding to the pneumatic springs, they are freed immediately. If the failure is in a spring or its piping, after a few hours the suspension will lower on the side corresponding to the failure, so you will know where to look. If the suspension maintains its height, it means that the failure is not located in the pneumatic springs or their piping up to the Faskit.
Also, closing the key of the compressor (yellow), and observing the pressure gauge we can know if the compressor works correctly.

On many occasions an air leak in the system causes the continuous operation of the compressor and its breakage or malfunction. By means of the pressure gauge we will know the state of the compressor.

If the failure is located in a air spring it is necessary to consider that normally the air leaks are small. Close the four keys the pneumatic springs and inflate them until the suspension is at normal height. More than likely you will be able to continue your trip without further problems. If not, if the leak turns out to be serious, you will have the other three springs at the normal height. Common sense will tell you if it is advisable to continue your trip or to wait for aid.

You can position the height at the desired level based on the expected use, city, road or country. It is important that you do not elevate it to an excessive height above the normal level. You should be prudent since an excessive inflation could damage the suspension. Also you must level the height based on the load. Our advice is that the standard height is generally the most recommendable.

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